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Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

How to Use Acai Berry for Weight Loss


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Software Iklan Massal
Software Iklan Massal

How to Use Acai Berry for Weight Loss

Use Acai Berry for Weight Loss
Use Acai Berry for Weight Loss
How to Use Acai Berry for Weight Loss

I learned of a new superfood called acai berry that is used for weight loss. Since I'm always wary of big weight loss claims made by certain companies, I decided to do some research before I actually jumped on board.

The verdict? I've discovered that acai berry is filled with vitamins and minerals that can aid in weight loss, building muscle and increasing overall energy-and is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, fiber and other plant compounds that can increase your health.

I don't believe that acai Berries hold a "magic key" that will help you lose weight, but it will help make your body healthy. When your body is healthy and well-balanced, it will be easier to reach your perfect weight.


Things You'll Need:

  • Fresh, dried or frozen acai berries
  • Acai berry liquid supplement
  • Acai berry capsules
  1. 1

    Purchase fresh, frozen or dried acai berries if you can find them. Or you can purchase them in this form online. Since it is a nutrient-rich food, you can cook with it and add it to your favorite recipes. It works well as a cereal topping, in granola, smoothies, yogurt, on low-fat ice cream and in things like muffins and cookies (as long as they're low fat).

  2. 2

    Find acai in the form of a liquid extract. The benefit of taking acai in this form is that the nutrients will be super concentrated. Also, if you live in a climate where acai berries don't grow, this can be a good way to get it as fresh and concentrated as possible.

  3. 3

    Take acai in capsule form. Capsules are good if you want to take acai as easily as possible and still receive the benefits. If you make it a part of your daily vitamin and mineral regimen it will be easier to take it consistently.


Tips & Warnings

    Follow a healthy diet and exercise in order to use acai for weight loss in the most beneficial way.
    Researchers have found no conclusive evidence that the acai berry holds any secret to weight loss. It is however, rich in anti-oxidants so eating the acai berry as part of a well-balanced diet may help you to ward off stress, and protect your cells.
    Contact your doctor to make sure it's OK for you to take acai.




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on 9/23/2010 Great Share!

Just wanted to let everybody know what worked for me, I used the popular Acai + Colon Cleanse Diet and it did wonders for my overall health, plus I lost alot of weight too... Over 50 pounds! I finally found a diet that actually works lol :) Heres where I found free trials for both diet supplements, goto this article:


dugu said

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on 7/20/2010 nice writing


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on 3/28/2010 I love acai berry... yummy.


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on 3/11/2010 Informative article...acai does have so many great healthy compounds! Why not add to our diets?

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