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Software TokoPlus

Software TokoPlus Software TOKO PLUS merupakan program point of sales (penjualan) yang memiliki fasilitas menu yang sangat lengkap, cocok untuk digunakan mengelola pembukuan pada usaha yang bergerak di bidang penjualan barang dan jasa retail. Dengan software ini anda dapat melakukan pencatatan dan perhitungan secara otomatis atas kegiatan transaksi-transaksi penjualan, pembelian, mengelola stock barang, mengelola hutang/piutang, mengelola uang kas, mengelola biaya operasional, mutasi toko/gudang, data pelanggan/suplier, menyediakan fasilitas return jual/beli, sampai laba bersih setelah pajak, dengan laporan-laporan yang lengkap lebih dari 30 laporan. Support barcode dan multiuser. Software ini dapat diaplikasikan pada BERBAGAI USAHA/TOKO BAIK DI BIDANG BARANG MAUPUN JASA SEPERTI USAHA FOTOCOPY, USAHA CUCI CETAK FOTO, TOKO BESI, TOKO LISTRIK, TOKO ELETRONIK, TOKO BUKU & ALAT TULIS, TOKO ACCESORIES, USAHA SALON DAN USAHA JASA LAINNYA. Yang jelas Software ini sangat mudah dioperasikan dan otomatis. SEGERA MILIKI UNTUK SARANA PENGEMBANGAN DAN KEMAJUAN BISNIS/USAHA ANDA. Kami jamin 100% Full Version, Artinya anda cukup 1x membayar saja kepada kami dan Software bisa digunakan terus selamanya sesuai kebutuhan anda. Unlimited, software dapat diinstall di lebih dari 1 PC (Multi PC) untuk jangka waktu yang tak terbatas. Penginstallan dan Pengoperasian Software TokoPlus ini sangat mudah, karena kami akan memberikan anda kelengkapan petunjuk panduan instalasi dan panduan menjalankan software ini lengkap dan mudah diikuti, sehingga dengan mudah anda dapat menginstall dan mengoperasikan software ini sendiri.
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Software TokoPlus.
Panduan Install
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Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended


Software Iklan Massal"SOFTWARE IKLAN MASSAL UNLIMITED" Inilah Terobosan "TERDAHSYAT" dalam dunia Software Iklan dan Promosi Massal, Yang Menjungkirbalikkan Fakta Kesulitan Pemasangan Iklan Massal Online dan Mengeleminir serta Memangkas Biaya Promosi Bagi Bisnis Online. Dengan Software ini anda bisa memasang Iklan Secara Simultan ke Ratusan Situs Iklan Sekaligus. Tanpa Perlu Masuk ke satu-satu situs iklan ybs. Lantas apa kelebihannya dibandingkan dengan Software Iklan Massal yang selama ini ada, Nah Inilah Kehebatan Software yang kami tawarkan, anda Cukup 1x Bayar saja, software dapat digunakan selamanya tanpa perlu biaya registrasi ulang lagi atau biaya bulanan, dapat dipergunakan selamanya sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, UNLIMITED BOSS, MANTAP. Sangat Efektif dan Efisien. Bandingkan dengan software Iklan Massal yang ada, anda harus membayar biaya bulanan atau registrasi ulang bukan?, nah software ini TIDAK SAMA SEKALI. Sangat cocok dan tepat digunakan untuk SEMUA ORANG YANG INGIN MELAKUKAN PROMOSI ONLINE ATAS PRODUKNYA SECARA EFEKTIF DAN EFISIEN. KAMI SEKEDAR MENGINGATKAN : "SUNGGUH SANGAT RUGI, JIKA ANDA SUDAH MEMBACA INFO INI TAPI ANDA TIDAK SEGERA MEMILIKINYA". info selengkapnya, Klik Disini.

Software Iklan Massal
Software Iklan Massal
Deliver the richest, most engaging PDF communications with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. Ideal for business, creative and technical professionals, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended gives you the power to create, communicate and collaborate effectively and securely. Bring together the widest range of content--including video, audio and 3D content--in a single convenient PDF Portfolio. Collaborate with colleagues and clients through electronic document reviews. Create and manage dynamic forms.

Easily share content with a worldwide audience, or keep sensitive information 100% secure with password protection and permission restrictions. Even build interactive presentations featuring video and voiceover with the Adobe Presenter software included. For a PDF creation tool that does so much more than PDF creation, look no further than Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended.

Choose one of many professional templates--or create your own--to quickly integrate content, define navigation, and add polish to your PDF Portfolios.

Multiple content sources, one PDF portfolio--Easily organise content from a variety of sources--including documents, e-mail, images, video, audio, 3D,spreadsheets, web pages and maps--in a single searchable PDF Portfolio, compressed for easy distribution. Use professionally designed templates to incorporate your company logo and colours. Easily share information with free Adobe Reader software.

Create interactive, on-demand presentations with Adobe Presenter--Free with Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, Adobe Presenter software is the perfect way to liven up your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Add video, voiceover, demos and interactive quizzes to keep your audience engaged; then save your presentation as a PDF file for easy, convenient viewing anytime, anywhere.

Easily share video in PDF files--Share video, animations and applications cross-platform in Acrobat and Adobe Reader with native support for Flash technology. Convert a variety of video formats to FLV for playback in PDF files without the need for an additional media player.

Acrobat lets you combine files from multiple applications into a single Adobe PDF document.



With a scanner and Acrobat's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, you can turn stacks of paper documents into easily searchable electronic PDF archives.


Digitally sign and certify documents to validate they came from a trusted source.

Faster electronic document reviews--Don't let a long-winded review process slow down a vital project. With Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 your colleagues and customers can quickly and easily add their feedback to documents electronically, even allowing participants to build on other reviewers' comments as they are being made, so you can quickly gain the input and consensus you need to efficiently develop and complete work.

Easy, free access for clients with Adobe Reader--Enable virtually anyone using free Adobe Reader software to participate in reviews, and use the Form Tracker to monitor progress and participation. Automatically highlight the differences between two versions of a PDF document, including text and images, so you can quickly and easily identify what has changed.

Protect sensitive information with passwords and permissions--Control access to and use of PDF documents, assign digital rights and maintain document integrity. Set document permissions and create security policies to define whether a file can be printed, saved, copied or modified, and apply passwords to restrict document access. Use redaction tools to permanently remove sensitive information. Digitally sign and certify the validity of documents. You can even inspect PDF documents for metadata, hidden layers and other concealed information and remove before distributing.

Easy conversion of various file types to PDF--Convert Word and Excel documents or scanned paper to PDF forms with automatic recognition of fillable fields. Simplify form creation, and make data analysis and reporting easier with the option to export results to a spreadsheet. For something more complex, the professional Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES tool makes it simple to automate and customise dynamic XML forms. You can even track results through Acrobat--Form Tracker shows you when forms have been completed and who by. E-mail folders, 2D CAD and web pages can also be easily converted to PDF.

View and interact with PDF maps--Be sure your customers and clients can find you with this unique map building tool. Mark up PDF maps, make them searchable--users can even view the longitude and latitude of a location simply by hovering the cursor over the appropriate area.

Improve print processes--Control costs and reduce errors with automated output controls to preview, pre-flight, correct and prepare PDF files for high-end print production and digital publishing.

Verify PDF standards and accessibility--Get details on compliance with PDF/A, PDF/X, and PDF/E with the new PDF Standards panel. Quickly evaluate, correct and automatically tag PDF documents for optimised accessibility and reflow.

Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended

Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended

Available languages versions:

Retail Price: $499.95
Our Price: $99.95
You Save: $600

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